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24 Friday / February 24, 2017

Sharon Spillar, Shiny and New at The Venue.

06:00 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

In mid-January, in Miami, Florida, at The National Art Show on the campus of the University of Florida, we first saw the paintings of Sharon Spillar. We seized as many as we could in the moment, and look forward to having enough for a full show, in the not to distant future. In the meantime, we are so excited about what we have that we can’t resist putting them on our walls.
Sharon, whose studio is in St Louis, creates paintings are abstract, vivid, and dynamic. She coats all of them with a thick layer of UV protectant infused high gloss resin, which adds an unusual and engaging dimension.
Sharon currently has a show at the Washington University Medical School in St. Louis.
Join us this Friday, the 24th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. for a teasing reception for this opening. Something new, shiny, beautiful, and unique from The Venue.

Cost: free

For more information contact:

(812) 339-4200
[email protected]

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