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5 Saturday / May 5, 2012

Volunteer Opportunity: Hoosier National Forest

09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Hardin Ridge Recreation Area, 6464 Hardin Ridge Road, Heltonville, IN

This celebration on May 5th increases awareness of our National Forest and provides volunteers the opportunity to contribute to taking care of their public lands. YOU can make a difference, and together there’s no limit to what we can accomplish.

Groups and individuals are welcome to help with a variety of projects between 9 am and 5 pm for all ages (i.e. pond sites, planting wildflowers, maintaining trails, planting trees, etc). Transportation will be provided for individuals.

There will be a free cook-out from 5-6:30 pm following project completion for all volunteers at Hardin Ridge Shelterhouse #1. Appreciation certificates and awards will be given out.

Open to ALL ages, and NO is training required. BUT, wear sturdy boots or shoes, long pants, gloves. Bring a sack lunch, water, and a friend. If you have a group interested in participating together, please notify them at the number provided prior to April 20. Free camping at Hardin Ridge is provided for all participants on May 4th and 5th.

Registration and additional information on website.

For more information contact:

Outdoors / Volunteering

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