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30 Saturday / September 30, 2017

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

10:30 am to 01:00 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington, 406 S. Walnut St.

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression
with Western Buddhist nun Kelsang Namdrol

Saturday, 30 September • 10:30 am – 1:00 pm

Even if you have been dealing with anxiety or depression for a long time, many people find relief from these overwhelming experiences using the timeless methods of mindfulness and meditation. This Saturday half-day course will include guided relaxation meditations, practical teachings, and mindfulness tools you can use in daily life to reduce and eliminate the underlying causes of anxiety and depression. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you are a newcomer to meditation and mindfulness or already have some previous experience.
Cost: $20
Everyone is welcome!

Cost: $20

For more information contact:

Kelsang Namdrol
(812) 318-1236
[email protected]

Education / Health / Speakers

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