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9 Saturday / September 9, 2017

WTIU Vietnam Veterans Preview

02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Bloomington City Hall Council Chambers

Join WTIU Public Television for a special screening of Just Like Me: The Vietnam War—Stories from All Sides. A Q&A will follow with the film’s producer Ron Osgood, who is also a Vietnam War veteran. This documentary examines the war from the perspectives of Americans and North and South Vietnamese, as well as Indiana veterans and residents. WTIU is airing this documentary as an Indiana companion piece to the upcoming 10-part PBS series The Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. WTIU will also share a one-hour overview of this groundbreaking series following the Just Like Me screening and Q&A.

Cost: Free!

For more information contact:

Joan Padawan
[email protected]

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