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20 Wednesday / September 20, 2017

Putting Your Whole Self In: Queer Scholars Discuss Experiences in the Field

04:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Mathers Museum of World Cultures

Representatives from the fields of Anthropology, Folklore, Gender Studies, and Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance will discuss their personal experiences conducting fieldwork as queer scholars. Speakers will address some of the challenges queer scholars may face when conducting ethnographic research in the field, whether “the field” is a nearby or far away community, an archaeological site, or an archive. There will be time for discussion afterward, and we encourage attendees to raise their own questions. All are welcome, including undergraduate and graduate students who may face similar situations and faculty who wish to learn how to better support their queer students and colleagues. The event is free and open to the public and will be sponsored by IU’s Institute for Advanced Study.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Mathers Museum of World Cultures
(812) 855-6873
[email protected]


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