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30 Saturday / September 30, 2017

Owen County Cemetery Preservation and Restoration Workshop

09:00 am to 02:30 pm
Owen County Public Library, Spencer IN

Jeannie Regan-Dinius, our keynote speaker from Indianapolis, is a self-described genealogist and social historian. Her official job title is director of Special Initiatives for the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historical Preservation. Her official duties include cemetery preservation and research which includes making a survey of every cemetery in Indiana, big and small, even those that not have a burial in over a century.
Jacci Wood, a trustee of Jefferson Township, is very knowledgeable about the labor and costs of the cemeteries under the trustee’s purview. She will provide an overview of those cemeteries in her township and outline procedures for cemetery preservation in general.
John Maxwell is cofounder of Headstone Healers of Indiana and a FindAGrave volunteer. He has made it his mission to cleanup and repair tombstones, especially those of veterans in Owen County. John will share his expertise about the safest and most effective way to use tools and chemicals preserve tombstones.
Registration begins at 9 AM; the program is free and open to the public.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Randi Richardson
(812) 829-0972
[email protected]


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