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12 Tuesday / September 12, 2017

Connection of Suicide Prevention at The Venue

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, part of our nations effort to stem the epidemic of suicide sweeping the country. In observance, on Tuesday, September 12th, at 5:30, The Venue will host a presentation by Michelle Martin-Colman and Beth Lodge-Rigal, on how to use art to establish a caring connection, the suicide antidote.
It is well documented that isolation can lead to despair and despair to suicide. In their presentation Michelle and Beth, through the process of creating college thank-you notes, and informed discussion, will demonstrate how a simple connecting note, from an informed friend, can save a life.
Bring your note making supplies and your caring personality, and together we will do great things.

Cost: free

For more information contact:

Gabe Colman
(812) 339-4200
[email protected]

Education / Speakers

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