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18 Monday / September 18, 2017

Kinsey Institute’s 70th Anniversary History Exhibition

09:00 am to 05:00 pm on Dec 24
Kinsey Institute, Morrison Hall, 2nd Floor

The Kinsey Institute — founded by Dr. Alfred Kinsey — is celebrating its 70th Anniversary. And to mark the occasion we have created a comprehensive, self-guided history exhibition for all to see.

Coincidently, the IU Press has just published a book — written by IU’s Judith Allen, PhD, et al. — that provides an historical look back over those 70 years of significant, ground-breaking scientific research into the complex subject of human sexuality.

The new Kinsey exhibition is now open on the 2nd Floor of Morrison Hall on the IU Bloomington campus, Mon.-Fri., 9am – 5pm.

This exhibition is made possible in part by the generous support of Indiana University’s Office of the Bicentennial.

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

Pat Lacy
(812) 855-7687
[email protected]


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