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26 Tuesday / September 26, 2017

Suicide Prevention, Be Prepared: The ‘Titanic’ Metaphor for Suicide Prevention, a Presentation by Michelle Martin-Colman at The Venue

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

Art imitates and instructs life. On Tuesday evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m., The Venue is pleased to host this presentation provided by Mark Besen, PH.D, psychologist and master trainer with the QPR Institute for Suicide Prevention. Paired with dramatic visuals from the award-winning movie “Titanic,” Michelle Martin Colman, area facilitator for Loving Outreach to Suicide Survivors, introduces Besen’s unique coaching to equip attendees, through the use of living color visuals, to intervene and interrupt a suicide attempt and save a life. Today, when suicide has become a virtual epidemic of tragedy, this knowledge is essential. Join us.

Cost: free

For more information contact:

(812) 339-4200
[email protected]

Education / Speakers

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