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10 Friday / November 10, 2017

FlowMotion Symposium 2017

12:00 pm to 04:00 pm on Nov 12
Springhill Suites

FlowMotion Symposium is a metropolitan cirque and flow arts education and performance weekend, held at a constellation of sites across the city of Bloomington.
This unique retreat provides new and exciting opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, skill levels! Come for learning, performances, group discussions, and exciting live music and fire!
Two full days of workshops and showcases with open skillshares and flow space!
In addition to a Vendor Market and gallery show, local businesses and food trucks provide awesome products to choose from.
Our Shuttle will help you navigate Bloomington and get you to your next venue quickly and efficiently!
Get your tickets now!

Cost: $150

For more information contact:

Paula Chambers
[email protected]

Dance / Entertainment / Exhibits / Festivals / Live Music / Theater

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