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15 Wednesday / November 15, 2017

Exhibit – Collecting Folklore: Generations of Indiana University’s Folklore Institute

08:00 am to 05:00 pm on Jan 28
Indiana University Archives, 1320 E. 10th Street, Herman B Wells Library E460, Bloomington, IN 47405

Since the first summer session in 1942, Indiana University’s Folklore Institute has made numerous contributions to folklore scholarship, the IU community, and the state of Indiana. In 1962, the Folklore Institute was formally established as an academic department. This exhibition highlights some of the The Folklore Institute Archives, including the research materials of prominent folklorists, photos, and documents from local and national projects, and decades of local and campus legends collected by students. Through these items, viewers will be able to see the various generations of the Institute’s growth from its founding up to the present day.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Carrie Schwier
(812) 855-1127
[email protected]


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