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25 Monday / June 25, 2018

Art & Circus Camp!

09:00 am to 05:20 am on Jun 29
AsaBela Studio

Art and Circus Camp – Monday-Friday, June 25-29 and July 23-27 (Summer Camp 2018)
(early enrollment discounts available)

At AsaBela Camps, our focus is on LEARNING & FUN!
Sign up for ONE Day or ALL Week

Location: AsaBela WINGS Aerial Academy
300 W Hillside Dr (off of S Rogers St), Bloomington IN
Cost: $48-$70/Day (price break for all week enrollment)

Fine Art & Circus Camp
Ages 5 and up – ALL Levels and Abilities

LONG Day or Week 9am-5:30pm
SHORT Day or Week 10am-3pm

* Early enrollment ends April 25th
* Regular enrollment ends May 15th
* Late Sign-up begins May 16th

Sign up with a friend!
For Kids and Teens (ages 5 and up), take the Aerial Ninja Challenge!

Join us for an awesome artistic journey.
Create without fear, learn new techniques and find your style and passion.

We inspire campers to discover their unique sense of creative expression by providing opportunities to reach new potentials and expand skills. Our hope is that children and teens will gain a newfound passion for learning they can take with them wherever they go for the rest of their lives.

ART & CIRCUS Camp is a day-camp experience designed to introduce children and teens to visual arts and more in a safe and noncompetitive environment. Camper age begins at 6 years and up. Any level of physical development & skill is welcomed.

Our Fearless Flying Founder Juliana Burrell is a local artist and Master Art Instructor with 25 years of experience and is a K-12 Certified Art Teacher.

Every child will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities including:
Drawing with pencils, markers, glue and oil pastels. Painting with water color, acrylics etc. Collage, stencils and more.

Activities include: Circus fitness, Juggling, Hula Hoop, Acrobatics, Storytelling, Music, & More!

Our Fearless Flying Founder Juliana Burrell is a local artist and Master Aerial Instructor with over 25 years of experience and is a K-12 Certified Art Teacher.

Contact: Juliana Burrell, [email protected].
Aerial Ninja Course
Aerial Silks
Aerial Hoop
Hula Hoop

Cost: $48-$70

For more information contact:

Juliana Burrell
(812) 272-9119
[email protected]

Children / Dance / Education / Fitness / Health / Sports

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