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5 Saturday / May 5, 2012

May Exhibits at the Ivy Tech Waldron

09:00 am to 07:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center, 122 S. Walnut Street

New exhibits at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center for the month of May include work by Ben Pines, Yang Chen, Angela Hendrix-Petry, and Nate Johnson.

Figure studies by painter Ben Pines meditate on the state of relationships in our modern world; photographer Yang Chen elevates the tiniest details of spring to highlight their effervescent and ephemeral beauty; Angela Hendrix-Petry’s work is described as “An offering in celebration of an ordinary life lived with eyes and heart wide open”; Nate Johnson pays tribute to the musical and cultural figures who inspire and move him.

The exhibit will be open for viewing during regular gallery hours until May 27.

Cost: Free

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