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8 Thursday / October 8, 2020

Horror Short Film Project

06:00 pm to 09:00 pm
411 E 7th St, Bloomington, IN 47407

We are excited to announce BAFT Studios’ Horror Short Film Project!
You can now sign up as a screenwriter, actor, filmmaker, OR editor! Each track is responsible for a different part of the production, but all will be working closely to create a short film on an industry-level film set.
This short film will be in the genre of horror! Here’s the Log Line: A new tenant must rescue a neighbor after witnessing the unsettling consequences of breaking the co-op boards rules.
Limited space available. Click here to learn more and enroll: https://www.thebaft.org/baftstudio

Cost: 155-195

For more information contact:

Eric Shelley
(646) 245-5277
[email protected]

Education / Theater

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