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6 Saturday / March 6, 2021

Legislative Update

09:30 am to 11:00 am
Please go to www.lwv-bmc.org/leg-update to register for the Zoom meeting.

The Leagues of Women Voters of Bloomington-Monroe County and Brown County, with co-sponsor the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, will hold a LWV Legislative Update on Saturday, March 6, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., in a Zoom session. State legislators representing Monroe County will report on their work and priorities for the current session of the Indiana General Assembly and will take questions from attendees. Please go to www.lwv-bmc.org/leg-update to register for the Zoom meeting. All legislative updates are free and open to the public.

This is the third of four planned Legislative Updates sponsored by the League and the Chamber. All are being held using Zoom and are intended to be informative, not debates. Audience questions should be framed to elicit information for the benefit of all and to enable any of the legislators to weigh in.

The final Legislative Update is scheduled for April 10. All updates will be recorded by Community Access Television Services through the Monroe County Public Library, with the video available on the CATS website shortly after each update.

The work of the Indiana General Assembly can be followed on its website, www.iga.in.gov, which provides a wealth of information and offers the possibility to track the progress of individual bills. The Bloomington Herald-Times and other local media also provide reports on the activities of the General Assembly.

Cost: Free and open to the public

For more information contact:

Nancy Boerner
(812) 325-8727
[email protected]

Civic Affairs / Speakers

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