Author: Bloom Intern

IU Prof Is ‘Thought Leader’ In the Fight for Cyberpeace

In September 2019, an international consortium with corporate funding launched the CyberPeace Institute, an independent nongovernmental agency created to address the growing impact of cybercrime. The institute is based in Geneva, Switzerland, but Indiana University is helping define its mission and programs. Among its thought leaders is Scott Shackelford, an associate professor at the IU Kelley School of Business.

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Police Social Worker Helps Those in Need Find Services

Melissa Stone’s gray polo shirt has a Bloomington Police Department (BPD) badge on one side and the words “Social Worker” on the other. She says it’s important that she gain the trust of the people she approaches. “I’ll introduce myself and say ‘I’m not an officer. I’m just a social worker. I can’t arrest you,’” Stone explains.

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New Special Victims Unit For Sex Crimes & Domestic Violence

When Erika Oliphant stepped into her new role as Monroe County prosecutor in 2019, she wanted to improve the experience of sex crime and domestic abuse victims within the criminal justice system, as well as the experience of those who work to prosecute their offenders. “These are difficult caseloads,” Oliphant says. “They’re very emotionally draining. I thought it might be better to try more of a team approach.”

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Globe-Trotting With Brooke Bierhaus: Morning Meditations on Jerusalem’s Western Wall

You might not believe it, but 6:45 a.m. is my favorite time of day. It has been since I was 13 years old. Waking up while it’s still dark and watching my surroundings come to life as the sun casts its light on the world is my meditation. After traveling to and living in 28 countries, I have found that these early morning moments are the best way to really understand a city, town, or land.

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