Author: Bloom Intern

Salaam Has Found Its ‘Perfect Balance’

Although Salaam has been together a quarter of a century, founder Dena El Saffar says that only recently has the Middle Eastern quartet hit upon a certain balance that had been quietly simmering for nearly a decade. With patience, practice, and the space to make intuitive music, she says the group feels it has achieved the ideal blend of cultural sounds.

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Philanthropic Venture Fund Invests in IU-Related Startups

For those familiar with the high-risk, high-return business of venture capital, the phrase “philanthropic venture fund” may sound like a contradiction in terms. But in March 2018, Indiana University launched just such a fund, and it is generating start-up capital earmarked for the commercialization of IU discoveries as well as new business ventures founded by or run by IU faculty or alumni.

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