Author: Bloom Intern

Ghost Walk Serves Up Spooky Fun For All Ages

At 200 years old, Indiana University has quite a few local legends, including ghostly yarns like the one about a grumpy child apparition in the Indiana Memorial Union Tudor Room, said to be connected to a painting of a little boy holding a pumpkin. Rumor has it the spirit creates a fuss when the chairs and tables in the room are moved out of place. Indulging in such stories is part of the fun when the IU Folklore and Ethnomusicology Department holds its annual Ghost Walk.

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‘Truth Matters’ Event Examines Untruth in News & Social Media

It’s a phenomenon many people, especially those who are politically liberal, can relate to. In The Brainwashing of My Dad, filmmaker Jen Senko explores how her once reasonable, non-political, Kennedy Democrat father became the embodiment of racial and social intolerance. The answer was easy to find. It began when he started a long commute and filled his time with right-wing talk radio. It peaked when he started watching Fox News.

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Bloomington’s Veterans: Their Struggles and Triumphs (COVER STORY)

Veterans have been an important part of Bloomington since its founding in 1818, when early settlers included soldiers who had fought in the Revolutionary War. David Maxwell, known as the father of Indiana University, was a surgeon in the War of 1812, and numerous campus buildings—including Maxwell Hall and Willkie and McNutt quadrangles—are named for specific veterans, while others honor veterans generally: Memorial Stadium, Memorial Union, Memorial Hall.

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Brooke Bierhaus: A Young Woman Pursuing a Dream, One Cup of Coffee (or Tea) at a Time

In an era where the most common way for people to stay in touch is on Facebook, it might seem unusual for a young woman to explore the intimate ways people can connect over a cup of coffee or tea. In her documentary, The Connected Cup, Bloomington native Brooke Bierhaus examines how sharing in the age-old ritual of making and drinking co ee or tea brings people together despite the seeming barriers of race, religion, ethnicity—even language.

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Holocaust Survivor Eva Kor (1934-2019): A Woman of Peace and Forgiveness

For decades, Eva Mozes Kor carried the weight of Auschwitz with her. At the age of 10, her parents and her two older sisters were murdered there by the Nazis. The fact that she and her identical twin sister survived only added to that weight. But, in the end, it wasn’t what she carried but what she finally chose to lay down that mattered most—to her and to those who will carry on her legacy.

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