Author: Bloom Intern

Master Gardener Program Celebrates 30 Years Here

Monroe County’s Master Gardener program celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2019. Begun in the greater Seattle area in 1972, the Master Gardener program came to Indiana in 1978, reaching Bloomington in 1989. Participants take a rigorous course in horticultural art and science, then use their knowledge to help the community.

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Under the Weather: How Climate Change is Messing with Monroe County

Indiana’s seasons aren’t quite what they used to be. Wet springs that lead to floods are often followed by summers with dangerously high temperatures. Winters can be strangely warm and dry, or just as easily bring record-breaking blizzards and below-zero temperatures. It’s all due to climate change—and it’s influencing what we eat, how we feel, and even how long some of us will live.

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Accessibility for All Is Goal of Local Council

Fourteen years ago, Katie Herron took a walk through her east-side neighborhood with her then 4-year-old son, Ben, who has a physical disability and uses a wheelchair. Along the route, they found intersections with missing curb cuts—the sloped areas that enable wheelchairs to roll from the street to the sidewalk.

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