Author: Bloom Intern

The Schmutz in Your Glass

If you’ve ever finished a bottle of wine, you’ve probably had the experience of pouring the last of it out and finding some unappetizing schmutz in the bottom of your wineglass. So what is it, and how did it get there?

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A ‘Nerd’ IU Prof Helped Establish a Link Between The Trump Campaign and A Russian Bank—in 2016

In the October 15, 2018, issue of The New Yorker magazine, there is a nine-page, heavily researched article entitled “Enigma Machines” with the subhead, “Was there a connection between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign?” One of the experts cited in the article is L. Jean Camp, a professor in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University.

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Tristra Newyear Yeager: Russophile & Writer

Tristra Newyear Yeager admits these are peculiar times for an admirer of Russian culture. But while American and Russian politicians carry on their geopolitical rivalry, Yeager says both countries have a heartland where the people have more in common than they probably realize. 

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