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12 Monday / April 12, 2021

“Sherlock in Btown” Walkabout Radio Plays

10:00 am to 10:00 pm

Cardinal’s Walkabout Radio Plays are a safe way to enjoy great storytelling in a unique setting! Each play is set in Bloomington and takes place on a designated walking route. All you need is a smart phone and your favorite headphones, and the world will be transformed around you! Listen to a new scene at each location at the story unfolds. Self-guided experiences are available on-demand with a donation of any amount (suggested donation of $10-$20).

Cardinal’s spring series, Sherlock in Btown, consists of 2 Sherlock Holmes themed mysteries set in Bloomington!

Predisposed to Violins by Liam Castellan

When John Watson suggested that Sherlock Holmes was in desperate need of a vacation, the last place he thought they would end up was Bloomington, Indiana. But Holmes hasn’t come here for rest and relaxation, he’s hot on the trail of an intriguing case. This cold-war era thriller will keep you guessing! Available on-demand starting the week of April 5th!

John Watson, PhD

As the Covid-19 pandemic weighs heavily on John Watson, he reflects back on happier times pursuing his doctorate in English at IU and his friendship with the brilliant, young Sherman Hadee. Inspired by heist caper The Red Headed League, this drama casts Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic characters in a new light. Available on-demand starting the week of April 19th!

After you purchase your ticket, you will receive an email with a password-protected link to access the play via Cardinal’s website. Learn more and find tickets at https://cardinalstage.org/mainstage/walkabout-radio-plays/

Entertainment / Theater

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