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21 Wednesday / April 21, 2021

Discovery Time with Sprouts – Virtual

09:00 am to 09:30 am
Virtual Event (Zoom)

Topic: Plant Structures and Anatomy
Join Museum Educators on-line as we continue our month of botany. This week we will be learning about plant structures and plant anatomy. We will talk about the parts of plants and what they do. We will finish with a celery transpiration activity. Participants will learn STEM skills through play. Activities are designed for ages 0-6, all are welcome.

Children / Education / Entertainment

21 Wednesday / April 21, 2021

Science Explorations – Virtual

03:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Virtual Event (Zoom)

Topic: Counting Birds
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world contribute bird observations and you can too. Join us on-line during Science Explorations as we talk about how you can take action that supports scientists in learning how birds are affected by habitat loss, pollution, disease, climate, and other environmental changes. Your observations can contribute to conservation and protection of birds and their habitats. Science Explorations is designed for young people in grades 1-6. WonderLab strives to align our program with NGSS and Indiana Science Standards.

Children / Education / Entertainment

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