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18 Monday / August 18, 2014

Kinsey Institute Art Exhibits: “Creative Minds” and “Artistic Types: Test in Visual Art”

The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor

Kinsey Institute Art Exhibits: “Creative Minds” and “Artistic Types: Test in Visual Art”

April 14 through September 12, 2014, Monday-Friday, 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM

Creative Minds features work produced by artists whose primary professions are as sex researchers, physicians, or scientists. This exhibition in the main gallery features drawings, glass art, photographs, sculpture and video by Robert Latou Dickinson, John Money, Jeffrey Rothenberg, Andreas Schneider, Jill Bolte Taylor, David Teplica, Leonore Tiefer and Rachel Liebert, and Martin Weinberg.
On display in the Corridor Gallery is Artistic Types: Text in Visual Art. This show offers a selection of artworks in which words or the alphabet play a significant role in the composition. The exhibition features a wide range of media, from vintage photographs to contemporary pieces by Herbert Ascherman, Michael Bennett, Filiz Cicek, Gatis Cirulis, John Gutoskey, Joe De Hoyos, Linda Hesh, Paul McCormick, James Murray, and Mark Addison Smith.

The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm weekdays or by appointment Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Admission is free. Due to adult content, visitors should be 18 years of age or older, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guided group tours of The Kinsey Institute may be scheduled by calling 812-855-7686. The Kinsey Institute is closed all IU holidays.

Location, Contact, and Telephone Number
The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor
Catherine Johnson-Roehr
(812) 855-7686
[email protected]

Point of Contact for submitting ad is:
Pat Lacy
[email protected]
(812) 855-7686


18 Monday / August 18, 2014

Ivy Tech John Waldron August Art Exhibits

09:00 am to 07:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center, 122. S. Walnut St.

Lisa Wicka, printmaking & mixed media; James Lax, limestone sculpture; Joshua McNolty & Benjamin Timpson, printmaking & mixed media; K.D. Self, photography. Browse multiple galleries in a beautiful, historic downtown setting. M-F 9-7; Sat 9-5.


18 Monday / August 18, 2014

Exhibit: ‘Spiritualists, Sorcerers, and Stage Magicians: Magic and the Supernatural at the Lilly Library’

09:00 am
Lilly Library (1200 E. 7th St.)

Join us this week as the Lilly Library’s summer exhibition, “Spiritualists, Sorcerers, and Stage Magicians: Magic and the Supernatural at the Lilly Library,” makes its debut. The exhibition will run from June 2 to August 30, with a special reception on Saturday, June 21 from 6:00-8:00 PM.

The exhibition showcases the Library’s wide-ranging and eclectic holdings on magic and the supernatural, from 17th-century treatises on witchcraft to modern-day comic books.

Stay tuned to the Lilly Library’s blog and website for details about upcoming special events and blog posts throughout the summer highlighting items in Lilly’s collection such as discussion of spiritualism in the correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the Lilly’s recently-acquired issues of the pulp magazine Weird Tales, and annotated editions of books by the self-styled black magician Aleister Crowley.

Library hours are Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 6 pm, Friday, 9 am – 5 pm, and Saturday, 9 am – 1 pm. Closed Sundays.

Education / Entertainment / Exhibits

18 Monday / August 18, 2014

“Color Forms of Our Universe” by Martha Kaplan

By Hand Gallery

”The content of color paints our days and nights. We prefer certain colors and color combinations, Colors have dispositions indicative of regions, origins, harmonics.” The 32 pieces of fine contemporary art, created by Martha Kaplan, are from three different series. The ‘New Kachinas’ are graphite and colored pencils and are a leap of faith from the side of the mind that is new territory. ‘Large Lace Paperworks’ are mixed media drawings setting out to restructure the disparities of the burdens of the world and ‘Pastels’ are the bridge where conscious and unconscious space can meet.

Exhibit will run August 1 through September 27
Closed Sundays


18 Monday / August 18, 2014

United Way ‘This is How I Live United’ Community Gallery

11:00 am to 11:00 pm
Lennie’s Restaurant and Brewpub, 1795 E 10th St

Showcasing photographs taken by local residents, the ‘This is How I Live United’ gallery captures how our friends, family, and neighbors Live United by giving, advocating, and volunteering to create a better tomorrow for our community.

United Way of Monroe County and our partners work every day to ensure everyone in our community has the building blocks for a better life — Education, Earnings, and the Essentials. And you are part of this work — whether through donations, volunteering, or lending a helping hand to those in need.

Exhibits / Volunteering

18 Monday / August 18, 2014

Computer Tutoring

01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville

About: Knowledgeable instructors will work one on one with seniors who want to learn basic computer skills such as Microsoft Word, E-mail, Facebook, Skype, and how to access games on the computer. A desk top computer is available for training; students are encouraged to bring their own laptop.

.For more information call 812-876-3383 ex. 515


18 Monday / August 18, 2014

Charity Chug

06:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Tap Beer Co, 101 N College Ave

A Night of Philanthropic Adventurey Goodness and Beer
Coming Monday August 18, the Mountain Folk Adventure Series will set up base camp at Bloomington’s finest oasis, The Tap Beer Company. This time we will be celebrating the Adventurers of this year’s Rally of the Americas and raising funds for the official charity: Gear Going Global.
The Mountain Folk Adventure series is a Bloomington based adventure group that is gaining notoriety, locally and internationally, for the unique events it puts on. In just over a year they have gained thousands of followers with only 7 events being hosted. Each event raises funds for different charities that we can all get behind.
This year’s Charity Chug will be raising funds for Gear Going Global, a local non-profit, that send athletic gear and school supplies to children in developing regions of the world. This particular event will be sending soccer equipment and school supplies to an orphanage in Cusco, Peru. The adventurers of this year’s Rally of the Americas will be hauling the gear with them, the length of the Americas, to deliver it personally to the charity.
New this year to the Charity Chug is Upland Brewery and Salt Creek Brewery. The makers of these fine crafted ales have donated beer for this event, and the sales from their beer will go directly to the charity. Stop by the Tap Monday, August 18, from 6pm-10pm for live music, silent auction, and few cold ones all for the sake of philanthropy. Please bring your lightly used or new athletic gear and school supplies to donate to Gear Going Global, and have a beer for charity!

Benefits / Dance / Eat and Drink / Entertainment / Live Music / Outdoors

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