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1 Sunday / December 1, 2019

Self-Care Sunday: Surviving the Holidays with Essential Oils

02:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Juniper Art Gallery, 46 E Market St, Spencer, IN 47460

Surviving the Holidays with Essential Oils, presented by Colleen Minnemeyer
2:00 -3:00 pm – FREE discussion about calming & wellness essential oils
3:00 – 3:30 – “Make & Take” your own essential oil roller ($8-$12 charge for supplies)

December is a great time to focus on calming and wellness essential oils! We will explore oils to help our minds become peaceful and our bodies remain healthy while navigating the busy holiday season. We will touch briefly on the basics of how to use essential oils then dive into specifics on which ones to use to help keep you and your family in harmony throughout this hectic season. Immediately following is an optional “Make & Take” where you can make your own items to take home. Make-&-take items range from $8- $12 to cover cost of supplies.

Colleen Minnemeyer is an avid essential oil user and educator. Through her own use of essential oils and seeing the impact they have made on other people’s lives she passionately educates and shares her love of a natural lifestyle. Colleen will be a regular presenter on the 1st Sunday monthly.

Join us Sunday afternoons in Juniper’s Community Room, for a variety of self-care experiences that will relax, enrich and sooth your heart, mind, body and spirit. Self-Care Sundays are offered by local and regional practitioners from a variety of personal-well-being disciplines.


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