When your toddler or preschool child hits the turf field at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center, they will be ready to run and play! An indoor turf field provides you and your young child with ample space to run, play on an obstacle course, and practice ball throwing and kicking skills. This free-time play is parent supervised while the TLRC provides all the equipment for an hour of healthy physical play. Check the monthly calendar for special Turf Time days with the bounce house and specially scheduled games. For children ages 1 – 6 yrs. w/parent. Every Monday and Wednesday.
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3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Turf Time for Toddlers
09:30 am to 10:30 am
Twin Lakes Recreation Center (1700 W Bloomfield Rd.)
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Santa at College Mall
10:00 am to 09:00 pm
College Mall
Santa Claus will be appearing at the Macy’s Court area of the College Mall from November 17 through December 24. Kids are invited to come meet and greet Santa and pose for photos. Many holiday specials will also be available from retailers. Visit website to see all mall hours, including special holiday hours.
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Exhibit: ‘A Place Aside: Artists and Their Partners’
01:30 pm to 05:00 pm
Kinsey Institute (Morrison Hall, 1165 E. 3rd St.)
This exhibit, “A Place Aside: Artists and Their Partners,” is on display at the Kinsey Institute Gallery and will run from September 28 to December 20.
Since the invention of photography, the camera has been turned towards loved ones to document birthdays, vacations, graduations, and other significant events. For each of the couples included in this exhibition, however, photography is not a method of simply recording events but a means of exploring their partnership through the creation of art. While the photographs serve as documents of a couple’s life together, they also reveal the trust and respect that each partner has for the other.
The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open to the public Monday-Friday, 1:30 pm-5 pm.
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Exhibit: ‘Gender Expressions’ at the Kinsey Institute
01:30 pm to 05:00 pm
Kinsey Institute (Morrison Hall, 1165 E. 3rd St.)
“Gender Expressions” uses contemporary photographs, fine art prints, and other materials from the Kinsey Institute collections to illustrate the various ways that people express their gender identity or challenge societal expectations about gender roles. A selection of magazines, books, newspaper clippings, and other materials from the library and archives takes a look at transgender history in the United States. Artists represented in this exhibition include Mariette Pathy Allen, Jess Anthony, Herbert Ascherman, Mia Beach, Heather Christoffer, Jess T. Dugan, Leonor Fini, Danielle C. Head, Hans van der Kamp, Vivienne Maricevic, Len Prince, Carson Rader, Sarah Taavola, and Cara Lee Wade. Exhibit is open every weekday until December 20.
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
CSME Lecture Series: Akiko Sumi
04:00 pm
Center for the Study of the Middle East (1105 E. Atwater Ave.)
Akiko Sumi, visiting scholar from Kyoto Notre Dame University, will be the keynote speaker at this lecture presented by the Center for the Study of the Middle East. Free and open to the public.
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Lecture: ‘Presidents & Prime Ministers: An Insider’s View of American-Israeli Relations’
05:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Indiana Memorial Union (State Room East)
Ambassador Yehuda Avner will be the keynote speaker at this lecture on American-Israeli relations. Free and open to the public, at the Indiana Memorial Union’s State Room East.
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Star Gazers Hospital Tour
05:30 pm to 06:30 pm
IU Health Bloomington Hospital (601 W. 2nd St.)
With this tour of Bloomington Hospital’s Regional Center for Women & Children, expecting mothers can see where they will welcome their newest addition. This one-hour guided tour will include time for questions and all participants should meet in the Center’s Waiting lounge just outside of Elevator E on the second floor. Tours are included in the Discoveries or Shooting Stars Childbirth Classes and you do not need to schedule this separately.
Register on website. To find registration link, enter class/event name into keyword field, and click “Get Results.”
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
The Short List at Cafe Django
07:00 pm
Cafe Django
The Short List consists of 10 different acts, for 10 minutes each, on the first and third Mondays of each month at Cafe Django. The show includes everything from live music and dance to comedy, poetry, and trivia. For upcoming show details and more information, check the website.
7 – 9 pm.
Comedy / Dance / Entertainment / Live Music
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
IU Cinema Presents: ‘The Economics of Happiness’
07:00 pm
IU Cinema (1213 E. 7th Street)
This documentary critiques globalization and argues that the global consumer-driven economy comes at great societal cost. The film features a case study in the Ladakhi people, who live in a small region of the western Himalayas, to illustrate the impact of western-style economic development on human behavior. The Economics of Happiness presents examples of how the economics of the local can counter some of the world’s problems and promote well-being. (Digital presentation)
3 Monday / December 3, 2012
Flannelgraph Records Annual Benefit Album Release Show – Holiday Spectacular at The Bishop
07:00 pm
The Bishop (123 S. Walnut St.)
The music starts at 7 pm, along with free pizza. Admission is $5 and all of the money raised this year goes to buying gifts for children currently staying with their mothers at Middle Way House (http://www.middlewayhouse.org/).
Lots of short sets from bands who all appear on the 3rd annual Flannelgraph instrumental holiday music compilation “The Holidays Don’t Have To Be So Rotten: Volume 3”!
(in alphabetical order)
Advance Base! (http://advancebasemusic.com)
Chad Serhal! (http://chadserhal.bandcamp.com/)
Frank Schweikhardt! (http://frankschweikhardt.bandcamp.com/)
Full Sun (solo) (http://fullsunband.bandcamp.com/)
Laura K Balke (http://fullsunband.bandcamp.com/)
Mike Adams (http://honestweight.tumblr.com/)
New Terrors (http://newterrors.blogspot.com/)
Point Dume (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOXcA8J5KvY)
The Tsunamis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00HJIaTtpgA)
Whippoorwill (http://whippoorwill.bandcamp.com/)