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3 Friday / December 3, 2021

December 3rd Gallery Walk

05:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Downtown Bloomington Galleries

December 2021 Gallery Walk
Friday, December 3rd
Cheers to our faithful Gallery Walkers!
With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror, Gallery Walk is delighted to present a variety of live art openings and holiday markets along our newly established “Arts Mile.” This month, we invite Gallery Walkers to consider doing their holiday shopping by giving the gift of art to family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. What could be more special than a one-of-a-kind piece created by hand, purchased just for YOU at one of our eleven galleries!
Gallery Walk Bloomington continues to offer safe and innovative ways to reach out to our community as we re-establish our “new normal”. Please take note of our December events, exhibitions and gallery websites for our devoted GW followers.

Bloomington Rentals & Realty (OPEN)
Show Title: “Holiday Gifts & Giving”
Artists: Catherine Dyar, Tara McCarthy and Joel Pisowicz

By Hand Gallery (OPEN)
Show Title: “Brightly Shining By Hand”
Artist: By Hand Artists and Artisans

Cook Center (OPEN)
Show Title: “This Irrepressible Need to Fulfill Myself in Every Way Possible”
Artist: zakkiyyah najeebah dumas o’neal; Inaugural Engaged Artist in Residence at the Cook Center

Gallery B at Bloomingfoods (OPEN)
Show Title: “Bloomingfoods Staff Artisan Show”
Artists: Collective show featuring works by Bloomingfoods staff members

Gallery SCG
Check website:

Monroe Convention Center Art Gallery (CLOSED)

FAR Center for Contemporary Arts | Pictura Gallery (OPEN)
Show Title: “The Constructed Self”
Artists: Karen Navarro
505 Theater at FAR
Show Title: “Emperor Penguins of Snow Hill Island, Antarctica”
Artist: Dee Ann Pederson

Rainbow Bakery
Check website:www.rainbowbakery.net

Roses Gallery (OPEN)
Show Title: “Fluorescent Figures”
Artist: Jessie Grubb
Show Title: “Midwest Recollections”
Artists: Justin Brown and Cierra Fogle
email: [email protected]

The Venue Fine Art & Gifts (OPEN)
Show Title: “The Venue’s 2021 All-Star Artists”
Artists: Anna Afshar, Patricia Rhoden Bartels, Daniel Lager, Wyatt LeGrand, Galina Herndon, Susie Gregory and more

The Vault at Gallery Mortgage (OPEN)
Show Title: “James “Jim” Sampson Memorial Show and Print Sale”
Artist: Jim Sampson

Eat and Drink / Exhibits / Films / Speakers

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