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9 Thursday / December 9, 2021

Intro to Hand Lettering Workshop

06:00 pm to 08:00 pm
FAR Center for Contemporary Arts

Learn the basics of hand lettering with illustrator and designer Dylan Lowe!

In this two hour class, Dylan will share the first steps of hand lettering and teach you how to concept, design, and letter phrases for any use—cards, posters, t-shirts, or anything else you might think of! Bring a short phrase (3-5 words) to practice with. Participants will receive their own tombow marker, pencil, and worksheet during the class and to take home. Materials provided by local art store Griffy’s Art Supply.

Lettering is an umbrella term that covers the art of drawing letters, instead of simply writing them. Lettering is an art form where each letter in a phrase or quote acts as an illustration. Each letter is created with attention to detail and has a unique role within a composition.

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/intro-to-hand-lettering-workshop-tickets-211896587397

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