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3 Sunday / January 3, 2016

The Kroger Sunday Showcase presents – Chris Wolf, Pablo Adams & Ralph Ed Jeffers

12:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Kroger Grocery Store - 1175 South Collage Mall Road , Bloomington IN 47401

Wowzers – Chris Wolf, Pablo Adams and Ralph Ed Jeffers – the Three Amigos will be onstage at today’s Kroger Sunday Showcase. LIVE MUSIC – NOON – 3:00 p.m. at KROGERS!! You can shop for just about anything you might need – AND –stop by the Bistro for a quick lunch and enjoy the fantastic songs of C.P.R. (Chris, Pablo and Ralph Ed.). Doesn’t get much better than this folks!
The Kroger Sunday Showcase presents the music of Chris Wolf, Pablo Adams and Ralph Ed Jeffers (aka; CPR) TODAY!

Live Music

3 Sunday / January 3, 2016

January First Sunday Prose

03:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Boxcar Books; 408 E 6th St

The Writers Guild at Bloomington sponsors a monthly prose reading series. This month the featured readers will be Tony Brewer and Joan Hawkins, followed by an open mic. Come early to sign up for open mic

Entertainment / Speakers

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