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14 Thursday / January 14, 2016

Golden Slippers Chi Gong

Unity of Bloomington, 4001 S. Rogers Street, Bloomington

Led by Elisa Pokral, the class is for all to practice together an ancient art of health maintenance and healing with whatever flexibility level you have. The class welcomes those who exercise regularly, those who don’t, those with limited mobility, and some who may only be able to do the exercises sitting down.

14 Thursday / January 14, 2016

Salaam’s World Music Night

08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
The Player's Pub

Salaam has delighted audiences for years with its expansive repertoire of Middle Eastern and North African music. Salaam is true to the traditions, informing the uninitiated, and evoking nostalgia in listeners who are familiar with the art form. What sets Salaam apart is the versatility of its musicians, whose deep knowledge of Eastern and Western styles gives them the flexibility to move effortlessly between genres. The sound, while rooted in maqam (the modal system used throughout the Middle East), infuses tasteful forays into jazz, rock, blues, classical and avant garde. Salaam, whose name means “peace” in Arabic, is a musical ambassador for peaceful coexistence.

Dance / Entertainment / Live Music

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