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19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016

Keep It Simple: Working with Porcelain

By Hand Gallery

Karen’s porcelain and stoneware pottery is wheel thrown, often altered and decorated with thick slip and by carving, appliquéing and incising. She uses fossils, seashells, fabric and kitchen tools for decoration. For color, she applies glaze over glaze, uses wax resist brush decoration and touches up with metallic oxide washes. She also uses local Indiana clay slip on some of her stoneware pieces. Karen high fires her work in a gas reduction atmosphere to the temperature of approximately 2350F.

“I’m guided by the concept taught to me by my teacher Nan McKinnnell at Loretta Heights College in Denver, ‘the first 100 don’t count’. I’m moving into to keeping it simple, as well, being patient with the process. Repetition helps me understand a form, a glaze, a texture. I strive to create pieces that stand alone as beautiful, are sensuous to the touch and function for every day use.”

Karen is a founding member of Local Clay Potters’ Guild. She is also a founding member of Artisan Guilds of Bloomington.


19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016

Spotlights: Five Views into the Eskenazi Museum of Art’s Collection continues

Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University

Gallery Hours
Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sundays, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays and Major Holidays

To celebrate the Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University’s 75th birthday, each of the five curators has chosen a group of objects for Spotlights: Five Views into the Eskenazi Museum of Art’s Collection. Highlighted for their rarity, research interest, or importance, the selections show the range and quality that make the museum’s collections among the best in the country. On view will be a rare album of photographs by English photographer Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), French sculpture made between 1890 and 1945, ancient jewelry, Japanese surimono woodblock prints, and Indigo-dyed Yoruba textiles.


19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016

New in the Galleries at the Eskenazi Museum of Art

Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University

Gallery Hours
Tues-Sat 10:00-5:00 p.m.
Sun 12:00-5:00 p.m.
(Closed Mondays and major holidays)

After Yale: Pupils of Josef Albers
A renowned instructor at the German Bauhaus, Josef Albers (1888‒1976) immigrated to the United States in 1933 and was chair of the Department of Design at Yale University during the 1950s. This installation reveals the breadth of his teachings, which emphasized experience and material studies over theory. It features paintings by Albers and his students William Bailey, Ronald Markman, and Richard Anuszkiewicz. Andrew Wang, graduate assistant for European and American art at the IU Art Museum, is the guest curator.

Allegories of Artistic Genius
The seventeenth century saw the rise of a new theme: the genius of the artist. This installation features two works by the Italian printmakers Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione and Salvator Rosa that heralded their creators’ accomplishments, not through straight portraiture, but through classical allusions.

Camille Pissarro: Father of Impressionism
Nicknamed “Father Pissarro” by Gauguin, Camille Pissarro was an inspiration and mentor to a generation of Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist artists. He was also the movement’s most prolific printmaker. This installation of four works illustrates how Pissarro successfully captured atmosphere, movement, and the fleeting quality of light with a monochromatic palette.

Famous Faces: Portraits by Warhol
Although we tend to think of Andy Warhol as the cultural arbiter of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, he drew inspiration from popular imagery of the past as well as from his own time. This installation features several of the artist’s large silkscreen portraits of famous people.

Käthe Kollwitz: An Advocate for Women and Children
German Expressionist artist Käthe Kollwitz often depicted the physical and emotional tolls of war and poverty. This installation features two of her self-portraits, an image of death pulling a child from its mother’s arms, and a rare proof for a 1923 poster dealing with women’s reproductive rights.

Men in Turbans: Head Studies by Castiglione
Although the Italian artist Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione had seen traders from Africa and the eastern Mediterranean around the port of Genoa, his studies of men in “Oriental” headdresses was likely based in the northern tradition of “character heads” and a Baroque fascination with exotic types. This installation features eight small head studies and one large head study from Castiglione’s popular series.

Modern Sculptors in Indiana
Several modern sculptors of national and international prominence were born in Indiana, worked in the state, or came here to study. This installation features the work of artists Robert Laurent, David Smith, George Rickey, David Hayes, Alexander Calder, Isamu Noguchi, and (from October onwards) William Wiley, all of whom have Indiana connections. This installation is presented in conjunction with the Indiana State Bicentennial and has been endorsed as an official Bicentennial Legacy Project.

On the Move: The Advent of Modern Transportation in Photography
Advancements in transportation at the start of the twentieth century were recorded by the relatively new medium of photography. This installation features photographs of early experiments in air travel by a young Jacques-Henri Lartigue and C. Malcuit, as well as images of the explosion of the Hindenburg by Charles Hoff and the abstract beauty of a spoked automobile wheel by Paul Strand.

Pietà: A Mother’s Love
In celebration of Mother’s Day, this installation features three prints–by Dutch artist Hendrick Goltzius, Italian Annibale Carracci, and Frenchman Jacques Bellange–representing the ultimate expression of a mother’s love and sacrifice through the theme of the Pietà. A variation on the Lamentation from the Passion of Christ, the Pietà depicts an intimate, poignant moment as the Virgin Mary cradles the body of her dead son Jesus.

Rembrandt’s Ecce Homo Prints
One of the pivotal moments in the Easter story comes with the presentation of Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilate and the people, also known as Ecce homo (“Behold the man”). This installation features two large prints of this subject by Rembrandt. Completed twenty years apart, they reflect a change in the artist’s style, as well as a different interpretation of the New Testament episode.

Remembrance: Cemeteries in Modern Photography
The funerary practices of America, particularly in the South, are explored in this installation of five photographs of cemeteries, from New Orleans to El Paso, by artists as varied as Walker Evans, Edward Weston, John Gutmann, and Clarence John Laughlin.


19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016

Dialogues: Contemporary Responses to Marie Webster Quilts

Waller Community Gallery, Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 Michigan Road, Indianapolis, IN 46208

Six contemporary quilt artists from Bloomington and Martinsville are among twenty six Midwestern artists who will be exhibiting their quilts at the Bret Waller Gallery in the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The exhibition is sponsored by the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) Indiana. It was juried by Niloo Paydar, Curator of Textiles and Fashion Arts at the IMA. It is organized in conjunction with the IMA’s current exhibition of “A Joy Forever: Marie Webster Quilts.” For the museum’s hours, go to www.imamuseum.org


19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016

Blues Jam hosted South Central Indiana Blues Society

08:00 pm to 09:00 pm
The Player's Pub

Blues Jam hosted South Central Indiana Blues Society

Weekly all-ages Blues Jam. Host band will play the first set, then invite you & others to join in.

Tuesday, July 19 , 8:00 PM

Price: $2 for host band

Live Music

19 Tuesday / July 19, 2016


08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Bears Place - 1316 East 3rd St., Bloomington IN 47401

The Bloomington Songwriter Showcase is pleased to present the original songs of Steve Boller, Nathan Dillon, Cary Ray and Gary Applegate – sure to be one of the finest programs of the season. Steve Boller – www.stevebollermusic.com , is a young man with a bright future – with his strong perfect pitch vocals, well-written, upbeat songs and winning personality, this fellow could easily keep the Audience as a solo performer. . BUT – tonight he’s got some stellar talent sharing the stage!
Nathan Dillon – this evening’s newcomer to the program. – Nathan is principal songwriter for the rock and roll band The Acre Brothers. They are opening the GnawBrew Music Festival on Friday, July 22 and releasing their first EP, So Many Roads, at Big Woods Brewery in Brown County on Friday July 29. Listen to the album early by going to www.TheAcreBrothers.com. Nathan is also the founder and Director of Everybody Rocks, providing rock band classes and other music classes to people of all ages in Bloomington, www.EverybodyRocks.nethttp://www.everybodyrocks.net/teachers.html
WOW! Look who else will be on our stage this evening!!! Cari Ray – https://www.reverbnation.com/cariray is THE REAL DEAL folks. Try to get out and hear her every chance you get before she gets snapped up by a national or international promoter. Her songs are County – Americana – and she does them so well that even if you didn’t care for the genre – you’d love her tunes anyway. She has wonderful rapport with the Audience and has a pleasant, optimistic life-outlook (even when singing about ‘not so pleasant thing’) that you simply have to love her and her music. Visiting us from Nashville IN – Cari Rae will steal your hearts. As if the lineup isn’t strong enough…Gary Applegate – www.garyapplegate.com will round out the Showcase this evening. Applegate is a Blues man –BLUES WITH A PASSION! Is the way he describes his music. Gary is definitely among the best when it comes to writing and performing Blues. He’s placed highly in every single competition he’s entered in that genre. He talks to his Audience with his lyrics and ‘tells it like it is’. He looks and conducts himself like the star he is and we think you will be very impressed with his songs and delivery of those songs. He’s a one man band!
No Cover Charge – MUST be at least 21 to enter Bears Place BACK ROOM Concert Hall

Live Music

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