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26 Saturday / June 26, 2021

Living Lightly through Developing Equanimity

10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington

Even in the face of the particularly polarized times we’re living through, we can learn to live lightly. This retreat will explore how to develop and maintain equanimity with regard to others and the
world situation. Buddha taught how to cultivate positive states of mind, like equanimity, that are
the actual causes of our happiness. These teachings provide a positive perspective on our relationship to others and the world. We can learn to recognize that we are not isolated entities in conflict with others but instead see ourselves as interconnected cells in a “web of kindness.”
Everyone can benefit from these timeless teachings that are practical and modern!

10:00 – 11AM — Session 1
11:15AM – 12PM — Session 2
12:15 – 1PM — Session 3

This is an IN-PERSON event only. Max, 10.

Kadam Tom Mitchell is a senior teacher of Kadampa Buddhism. As the former Resident Teacher at KMC Indianapolis, we illuminates Buddha’s teachings with joy and experience.


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