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11 Thursday / March 11, 2021

Wake Up! with United Way “Are we in an ‘Eviction Tsunami?'”

08:00 am to 09:00 am
Virtual Event

Monthly speaker series featuring an enlightening presentation and discussion of timely topics that directly or indirectly affect everyone in our area.

On Thursday, March 11, at 8 a.m. the topic “Are we in an ‘Eviction Tsunami?’” will be explored. Over half of our community struggles to meet their basic needs. 1 in 5 in our community live below the poverty level and an additional 1 in 3 are classified as ALICE: Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, but Employed. Even before the pandemic, these families were at risk of losing their homes in the event of one unexpected bill or emergency.

When the pandemic hit a year ago, many individuals were faced with lay-offs, reduced hours, and unpaid sick leave. Without reliable income, families in our community fell behind on rent and utility payments. While eviction moratoriums and assistance programs offered some relief, families were still left wondering how they would manage to afford their housing.

COVID-19 has shown us areas in our safety net upon which we can improve. As we rebuild, the community has the opportunity to address housing security and make changes that ensure families have a roof over their heads. Join us to explore the issue of housing security and evictions with Housing & Eviction Prevention Project Coordinator Tonda Radewan, Monroe Circuit Court IV Judge Catherine Stafford, and other community representatives.

Attendees will have the opportunity to deepen their awareness about someone else’s reality while learning about the challenges, innovations, collaborations, resources available through area nonprofits, and how to get more involved in making a difference. Guests are invited to come with questions for the speakers or just listen and learn.

As the region rebuilds from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Wake Up! with United Way season will focus on Building a Better Normal. Each month’s discussion will bring to light how to engage to create a brighter future that works for everyone in our community, including topics like homelessness, food security, and workers’ rights.

Wake Up! with United Way is co-hosted by United Way of Monroe County and Indiana University’s Political and Civic Engagement program, with support from presenting sponsors Bloomington Township, Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Duke Energy, IU Credit Union, and Old National Bank.

Civic Affairs / Education / Speakers

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