Take Control: Invasive Plant Workshop with Monroe County Identify and Reduce Invasive Species
Hosted by Ivy Tech Bloomington, Center for Livelong Learning
Did you know invasive plants are one of the largest threats to the diversity of our local forests? Wondering just what invasive plants might be lurking on your land and what to do about them? Interested in learning about using native plants in landscaping and how to avoid losing them to deer browse? This class is just the thing for you. Monroe County Identify & Reduce Invasive Species (MC-IRIS) experts will teach you to identify many of the invasive plants in our county and how to use deer-resistant native plants in landscaping. After the talk there will be a one-hour hands-on workshop on methods to control invasive plants. Attendees will be controlling invasive plants and should wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and sturdy closed shoes.
Space is Limited & Registration is required: For registration details, see Ivy Tech catalog/online Course 30362-193