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22 Monday / March 22, 2021

Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design 2021 MFA Thesis Show

12:00 pm to 04:00 pm on Apr 23
Grunwald Gallery of Art

The Grunwald Gallery at Indiana University Bloomington is pleased to present the Spring 2021 MFA Thesis Exhibition. This show will feature work created by graduating Master of Fine Arts students in the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design at Indiana University from a variety of studio areas: ceramics, fibers, graphic design, metalsmithing and jewelry design, painting, photography, and printmaking.

The MFA Thesis Exhibitions are divided into two groups. Artist talks and a reception will occur for each group. Please visit the Grunwald Gallery’s website for more information, and to register to attend virtual events.

MFA Group 1
Open: March 22nd-April 2nd.
Group 1 Noon Talks: March 26th at 12PM
Group 1 Reception: March 26th at 6PM

MFA Group 2
Open: April 12th-April 23rd
Group 2 Noon Talks: April 16th at 12PM
Group 2 Reception: April 16th at 6PM


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