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3 Tuesday / May 3, 2016

Bloomington Songwriter Showcase -TONIGHT – Joe Peters, Travis Puntarelli, Steev Wisher & Keith Hughes

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Kroger Grocer Store - 1175 South College Mall Rd., Bloomington IN 47401

Gonna be a barn burner of a Showcase folks! Joe Peters is visiting from his new home base of Baltimore MD. He’s been one of the Showcase faves since we began the program and has developed a nice following here in B-Town. Keith Huges is driving down from Lafayette IN to make his 2nd performance as a Feature Writer here in B-Town. Keith is serious about his Songwriting and has put together some pretty darn nice tunes. Travis Puntarelli will be making his first solo Feature Writer appearance. This talented young man has put together some impressive programs, including ‘A Show of Hats’ which is simply as stunning project that can be seen by contacting BCAT are requesting it. We think he is a special talent and have to give Marc H. kudos for introducing us. Steev Wisher is one of the three organizers of the Showcase working (donating his talent) to keep the Bloomington Songwriter Showcase running smoothly. His songs are often instrumentals, but his lyrics are extremely strong and his sense of melody is solid. Wisher’s sense of humor often shines through his tunes, and he is a fine musician to cap off the description of this Singer-Songwriter.
If you’ve never been to a Showcase, this might be a good one to check out – with diverse styles of music, and cool personalities to entertain our Audience.
NO COVER CHARGE – MUST BE 21 to enter BEARS Back Room Concert Area.

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