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15 Sunday / May 15, 2016

Kroger Sunday Showcase with Chris Wolf, Jesse Lacy, & Brad Harris

12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Kroger Grocer Store - 1175 S. College Mall Rd., Bloomington, IN 47401

Kroger Shoppers will be treated to the sounds of Chris Wolf – an award-winning Singer-Songwriter who features a lot of humor in his songs. Also sharing the In the Round Songwriter Showcase format will be Bloomington’s own Jesse Lacy, an upcoming young talent who is returning from his tour and is back home again for our listening pleasure. Brad Harris is decidedly country, but his tunes reflect his love of southern rock style. This is a program with three distinct styles of songwriters and is always a fun program – FREE! – Stage is next to Murray’s Famous Cheese Shoppe – stop say hello to Liz and the gang while you enjoy some very cool tunes!

Entertainment / Live Music

15 Sunday / May 15, 2016

One Million Stars/Creative Aging Festival

1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Mathers Museum of World Cultures

Join us for an intergenerational workshop in partnership with the Lotus World Music & Arts Foundation and the Creative Aging Festival. Weave an eight-pointed star and be part of a worldwide movement–Lotus is one of only two US partners with the Australia-based initiative 1 Million Stars to End Violence and has committed to weaving and contributing at least 10,000 stars over the next year. Stars will be featured in an installation at the 23rd Lotus World Music & Arts Festival, at an exhibit in City Hall in December, and then as part of a worldwide installation of 1,000,000 stars in 2018. The workshop is recommended for ages 8 and up and will be free and open to the public, no registration required.

Free visitor parking is available by the Indiana Avenue lobby entrance. Metered parking is available at the McCalla School parking lot on the corner of 9th Street and Indiana Avenue. The parking lot also has spaces designated for Indiana University C and ST permits. During the weekends, free parking is available on the surrounding streets. An access ramp is located at the Fess Avenue entrance on the corner of 9th Street and Fess Avenue. Reserved parking spaces are available on 9th Street between Fess Avenue and Indiana Avenue. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. Please call 812-855-6873.

Children / Education / Entertainment

15 Sunday / May 15, 2016

Birds of a Feather,

02:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Monroe County History Center, 202 E. 6th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408

Five Women Poets will be giving a reading on Sunday, May 15th, at 2pm at the Monroe County History Center. They are launching their new chapbook, “Birds of a Feather.”
The book will be available at the reading for a donation to Wild Care. Jack Yonk from Wild Care will speak.
Free and open to the public,

Animals / Entertainment / Spoken Word

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