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19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

May Flowers Exhibit

By Hand Gallery

By Hand Gallery will be highlighting Donna Cooney’s petal bowls and other reversible, fabric bowls for the month of May.


19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

The Time Flies

05:00 pm to 07:00 pm
The Player's Pub

The Time Flies

Time flies – It only happens once. Monika Herzig, Peter Kienle, Quinn Sternberg, and Josh Roberts.


Live Music

19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

Golden Slippers Chi Gong

Unity of Bloomington, 4001 S. Rogers Street, Bloomington

Led by Elisa Pokral, the class is for all to practice together an ancient art of health maintenance and healing with whatever flexibility level you have. The class welcomes those who exercise regularly, those who don’t, those with limited mobility, and some who may only be able to do the exercises sitting down.

19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

Lemonstone Reading Series, featuring poets Allison Joseph and Jon Tribble

7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Bloomingfoods EAST Patio Room, 3220 E. 3rd St.

Join us for an evening of poetry! The Lemonstone Reading Series for May features poets Allison Joseph and Jon Tribble.

Allison Joseph lives, writes, and teaches in Carbondale, Illinois, where she is part of the creative writing faculty at Southern Illinois University. She serves as editor and poetry editor of Crab Orchard Review, moderator of the Creative Writers Opportunities List, and director of the Young Writers Workshop, a summer writers’ workshop for teen writers. Her books and chapbooks include What Keeps Us Here (Ampersand Press), Soul Train (Carnegie Mellon University Press), In Every Seam (University of Pittsburgh), Wordly Pleasures (Word Tech), Imitation of Life (Carnegie Mellon UP), Voice: Poems (Mayapple Press), My Father’s Kites (Steel Toe Books), Trace Particles (Backbone Press), Little Epiphanies (Imaginary Friend Press), Mercurial (Mayapple Press), Multitudes (forthcoming, Word Tech Communications), The Purpose of Hands (forthcoming, Glass Lyre Press), and Mortal Rewards (forthcoming, Kelsay Books). Another collection, Confessions of a Barefaced Woman, has been accepted for publication by Red Hen Press. She is the literary partner and wife of Jon Tribble.

Jon Tribble lives, writes, teaches and edits in Carbondale, Illinois, where he serves as managing editor of Crab Orchard Review and Series Editor of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry. He is the author of two books of poems, Natural State, published in 2016 by Glass Lyre Press, and And There Is Many a Good Thing, forthcoming in 2017 from Salmon Poetry. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, Poetry Daily, Atticus Review, South Dakota Review, Connotation Review, and in anthologies such as the Jazz Poetry Anthology and Sweet Jesus: Poems About the Ultimate Icon. He has received fellowships and awards from the Illinois Arts Council. He is the literary partner and husband of Allison Joseph.

Thursday, May 19, 7 – 9 p.m.
Bloomingfoods EAST Patio Room, 3220 E. 3rd St.

Free and open to the public

Produced by the Writers Guild at Bloomington

Education / Entertainment / Speakers

19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

Early Childhood Media

07:00 pm to 09:00 pm
the Monroe County Public Library

We’d like to invite you a public presentation of Early Childhood Media, a global web resource for early childhood and inclusive education. It is a video documentation project of best practices in inclusive and early childhood education in the US, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria and Israel. Early Childhood Media is currently focusing its efforts on documenting programs within the Bloomington community. These will be shared on our website where schools, academia, communities and families can access them, using them to teach, model, inform and inspire parents and educators locally and elsewhere. The space is limited, so please RSVP to [email protected]

Children / Education / Volunteering

19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

Hero Jr. with Siddius and Your Bottom Dollar

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Player's Pub

Hero Jr. continues to combine the tradition of Midwestern hard hitting rock music with a twist of 70s British, and have been described as comfortably familiar yet completely unique.


Live Music

19 Thursday / May 19, 2016

Misfit Toy Karaoke hosted by KJ Coley

11:00 pm to 11:59 pm
The Player's Pub

Misfit Toy Karaoke hosted by KJ Coley. We invites you to belt one out during this Weekly Late Night Karaoke. All wine glasses just $4. Bottles half off.


Live Music

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