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6 Tuesday / November 6, 2018

The Jacobs School of Music Comes to The Venue

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue

On Tuesday, November 6th, at 5:30 p.m. The Venue will host a performance of 17th and 18th century classical music, by three of the cream of the crop from the finest music school in the world, the Jacobs School of Music, Violinist Sarah Elizabeth Cranor , Lutenist Dušan Balarin, and Cellist Kevin Flynn.
Sarah Elizabeth Cranor currently directs the Latin American Ensemble at Indiana University, which explores the intersection of European classical music with the colonization of the New World. Sarah performs regularly with the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra, the North Carolina Baroque Orchestra, and has been music director for the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project. Sarah is currently pursuing a Doctor of Music at JSOM in Historical Performance with Stanley Ritchie.
Lutenist Dušan Balarin is currently based in Bloomington, where he is active as a soloist and accompanist on various lutes and early guitars. Dušan holds degrees from the University of North Texas and the Souza-Lima Conservatory of São Paulo in Brazil. He is currently pursuing advanced studies and independent research on historical lute performance and basso continuo practices under the guidance of leading artist and pedagogue Nigel North.
They will be joined by baroque cellist Kevin Flynn for a few pieces
Kevin is pursuing his Doctor of Music in Cello Performance as the Eva Heinitz Memorial Scholar and as assistant to his teacher, Emilio Colón. He received a Master of Music in Cello Performance at Indiana University, and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Cello Performance, studying under Pablo Mahave-Veglia, and in Philosophy from Grand Valley State University. He has played in venues from Constellation Chicago to Yellowstone National Park, and has been heard on American Public Media’s Performance Today.
These talented performers will play a full program, and it’s all for free.
Come early for a good seat.

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