Monthly speaker series featuring breakfast, networking, and an enlightening presentation and discussion of timely topics that directly or indirectly affect everyone in our area.
For the past 12 years, Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) has been the only source of free health care for uninsured and medically underserved residents of Monroe and Owen counties. When VIM was established the primary need was to provide access to medical services for the large segment of the population that was uninsured. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the Healthy IN Plan 2.0 (HIP), Indiana’s alternative to Medicaid expansion, Monroe County now has a large number of people who are insured.
Unfortunately, people living in poverty who become insured are still living in poverty and still face the challenges that substandard housing, unemployment, lack of transportation, and food deserts have on physical and mental health. Over the past two years, VIM has been re-imagining its role in the health care space for low-income and underserved individuals, recently announcing a transition to a Federally Qualified Health Center. This transition offers great potential to bring forward transformative solutions to our community’s critical health challenges.
Join VIM’s Executive Director, Nancy Richman, Ph.D., MPA, on November 14th to learn more about what VIM does, as well as the how, why, when, and where of this upcoming transition and what it will mean for our community. Special guests Jon Barada, Bloomington Health Foundation, and Tina Peterson, Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, will be joining also. Bring your questions and bring your appetite for breakfast!
Alongside friends, neighbors, nonprofits and community partners, learn more about issues that directly or indirectly affect everyone in our area. Attendees will have the opportunity to deepen their awareness about someone else’s reality while learning about the challenges, innovations, collaborations, resources available through area nonprofits, and how to get more involved in making a difference.