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17 Saturday / October 17, 2020

Earth Science Week

Monroe Lake

Geology lovers will find lots to learn about during a week-long celebration of Earth Science Week at Monroe Lake from Sunday, Oct. 11 through Saturday, Oct. 17.

Three of the programs require advance registration and have limited space available. They are a Geology Driving Tour around the lake area on Monday, Oct. 12 (http://bit.ly/geotour2020), a paddling trip that will highlight the geology of the Allens Creek peninsula on Tuesday, Oct. 13 (http://bit.ly/exploremonroeoct13), and a crinoid fossil bed hike on Friday, Oct. 16 (http://bit.ly/crinoidhike2020).

Additional activities are scheduled throughout the week at Paynetown State Recreation Area, 4850 S. State Road 446, and are open to all visitors without registration. The full schedule of is available online at http://bitly.com/monroelakeprograms.

“South-central Indiana has a lot of interesting geological features, many of which are highlighted in the area around Monroe Lake,” observed Jill Vance, interpretive naturalist. “Earth Science Week is a great opportunity for people to explore and learn more.”

Property admission to Paynetown (4850 S. State Road 446) is $7 per vehicle, with Indiana license plates ($9 per vehicle with out-of-state plates). Questions about Earth Science Week programming should be directed to Jill Vance, Interpretive Naturalist, at 812-837-9967 or [email protected].

Children / Education / Fitness / Outdoors

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