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12 Wednesday / September 12, 2018

My Sister’s Closet Dine & Donate

11:00 am to 09:30 pm on Jul 12

Serving Monroe County, My Sister’s Closet has helped more than 2,000 disadvantaged and at-risk women find and secure gainful employment. This year we hope to preserve the organization as we find a new space for the boutique and outreach services. Join us at either Bucceto’s location on September 12th for our Dine & Donate event! Mention My Sister’s Closet, and 20% of your sales will benefit our Relocation Fund.

Benefits / Eat and Drink

12 Wednesday / September 12, 2018

“Ethics and Our Treatment of Animals”

05:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Presidents Hall in Franklin Hall

Dr. Peter Singer will begin by setting out the traditional Western view of the moral status of animals. Next he will discuss what he refers to as the “mainstream” view today, and offer a critique of this view. He will argue that, notwithstanding of the progress made over the past 40 years, our treatment of animals remains wrong because it is “speciesist.” He will explain the concept of “speciesism” and indicate why it is not an ethically defensible view. Dr. Peter Singer will argue that we owe nonhuman animals equal consideration of their interests, and will explain the changes this view requires in our present practices regarding animals.

Philosopher Peter Singer is the author of “Animal Liberation.” a seminal work looking at ethics and the treatment of non-human animals. Dr. Singer is currently the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University.

Animals / Education

12 Wednesday / September 12, 2018

Game Night at Hopscotch

07:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Hopscotch Coffee B-Line Cafe, 235 W. Dodds St.

Games and drinks! Come out on Wednesday, Sept. 12 from 7–10pm as we welcome our friends from The Game Preserve- Bloomington, who will be bringing a stash of favorite, easy-to-teach games to share. Free and open to all, newbs and nerds alike.

Eat and Drink / Entertainment

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