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16 Wednesday / September 16, 2020

Discovery Time for ages 3-6 years – Planets

09:00 am to 09:30 am
Virtual Event

Join Sarah Lynn and Nell as we continue our theme of space! This week we will learn all about planets. Our activity will be making planets out of play dough. All welcome. Activities designed for ages 3-6. All welcome.

Join WonderLab for virtual, hands-on science via Zoom LIVE. Support for the WonderLab Zoom online platform is provided by the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Inc. WonderLab is accepting donations to support programming.

Children / Education / Entertainment

16 Wednesday / September 16, 2020

Science Explorations for Grades 1-6 – Pancake Science

03:00 pm to 03:30 pm
Virtual Event

Join WonderLab educators as we learn the science behind pancakes! Learn as we make pancakes an ingredient at a time to observe what changes as a new ingredient is added. This is an activity appropriate for all elementary ages that connects to NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). STEM skills explored include observing & predicting, comparing & contrasting, defining & solving problems, and exploring cause & effect. All welcome. Activities designed for Grades 1-6.

Join WonderLab for virtual, hands-on science via Zoom LIVE. Support for the WonderLab Zoom online platform is provided by the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Inc. WonderLab is accepting donations to support programming.

Children / Education / Entertainment

16 Wednesday / September 16, 2020

Science Sprouts for children birth through age 3 – Planets

04:00 pm to 04:30 pm
Virtual Event

Nell and Sarah Lynn are back with another week of space exploration! This week we will learn all about the planets. There are different types of planets and we will learn about them all! Then we will do an art activity to create our own planets using marbles and paint! All welcome. Activities designed for children ages 0-3 years.

Join WonderLab for virtual, hands-on science via Zoom LIVE. Support for the WonderLab Zoom online platform is provided by the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, Inc. WonderLab is accepting donations to support programming.

Children / Education / Entertainment

16 Wednesday / September 16, 2020

Native Heroines in American Culture

07:00 pm to 08:30 pm on Sep 30

This course will study the ways Native American heroines have been represented in American culture with an eye to colonialism and national identity. We will consider how their narratives have evolved over time in relation to different political and cultural moments. We will also discuss alternate representations of these heroines by Native Americans amid the continued marginalization of living Native women.


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