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17 Monday / September 17, 2018

Soup and Serenity

12:15 pm to 01:15 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington 406 S. Walnut St. Bloomington, 47401

Relax and energize both body and mind with a guided breathing meditation followed by delicious homemade soup and meaningful conversation with others. Return from your lunch hour feeling refreshed and nourished. Everyone is welcome!
Bring a friend! Everyone is welcome

Education / Health / Speakers

17 Monday / September 17, 2018

Platinum Girls The Musicial

02:00 pm
Brown County Playhouse

This original musical comedy “Platinum Girls” wows audiences of all ages and is Golden Ticket Productions most popular show.

The musical is great fun and offers a funny twist on some popular music. This musical comedy tells a story of three women – Elaine, Doris and Ruby Lee. The best of friends in High School, they entered a songwriting contest and won. One hit song defined their friendship and now, forty years later, their claim to fame is less than ideal. Let’s hope their stars will align for them once again as they prepare for the comeback concert of their lives. Hopefully overcoming their biggest obstacle, themselves.

Platinum Girls The Musical has everyone laughing and dancing in the aisles on this musical journey of fame and friendship. All age show

Directed by Russell Moss

Live Music

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