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18 Saturday / September 18, 2021


10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Kadampa Meditation Center Bloomington


SATURDAY, Sep 18 | 10am – 1pm

with Gen Kelsang Chokyi, Resident Teacher at KMC Bloomington

In person + Live Stream

We might think, I need to heal my body. I need to heal my past. I need to heal my relationships. The more we think about the amount of dysfunction we experience within ourselves and in our world, we might conclude: I need to heal my very life.

Is that even possible? We often think of individual things we’d like to change within ourselves or our situation, but sometimes there are so many things we’d like to change we don’t get around to changing anything at all. According to Buddha there is one primary source of the unhappiness and dysfunction within our life — and that is our own mind. To heal our mind, we have to understand our mind.

In this Retreat, Gen Kelsang Chokyi will take us on a beautiful dive into the nature of our own mind, based on an extraordinary meditation taught by Buddha known as the meditation on the clarity of the mind. This profound meditation allows us to see directly for ourselves how our mind creates our experience of our life. Our insight into the pure, expansive nature of our mind will enable us to let go of those states of mind that produce suffering, and instead replace them with qualities of kindness, love, and wisdom that will naturally bring about happiness and harmony in our lives. Getting to know our own mind through this deeply joyful and illuminating practice will naturally heal our mind.
Everyone can benefit from these timeless teachings that are practical and modern!

10:00 – 11:00am — Session 1
11:15am – 12:00pm — Session 2
12:15 – 1:00pm — Session 3

Gen Kelsang Chokyi is the Resident Teacher at KMC Bloomington and an American nun.

Please register at least 1 hour before the course.

$20/adult, $15/student — free for FP, Basic Plus and Supporting Members


18 Saturday / September 18, 2021

Bloomington Birdfest

11:00 am to 03:00 pm
Switchyard Park, Bloomington

Come and experience hands-on activities, bird walks, speakers, live birds, nature crafts, falconry demo, food trucks, raffle and more! Bloomington Birdfest is an interactive educational celebration of bird biology, ecology, and conservation! Switchyard Park, 1601 S Rogers St, Bloomington, IN 47403, September 18, 11 am to 3 pm. Free with activities for the whole family. The event is co-hosted by Sassafras Audubon Society and City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation, with many local conservation organizations and agencies represented.

Animals / Children / Education / Exhibits / Festivals / Outdoors / Speakers

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