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12 Thursday / February 12, 2015

A Very Long Engagement

04:00 pm to 06:15 pm
IU Cinema 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

In a desperate search for her fiancé who might have been killed at the Battle of the Somme fighting in the French army, a young woman uncovers the ugly complexities of the trench warfare that destroyed millions of lives between 1914 and 1918. Without relishing violence, this beautifully shot movie makes the horror of war palpable and all-encompassing, bringing us closer to an emotional understanding of the tragedies that marked that generation of men and women in Europe. In French and German languages with English subtitles. (2K DCP presentation)

Special thanks to the Office of the President, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, School of Global and International Studies, Hutton Honors College, and Andrea Ciccarelli. Screenings are free, but ticketed.

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

Brittany Friesner
[email protected]


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