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14 Wednesday / January 14, 2015

Afro Hoosier Intl

05:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Players Pub 424 S Walnut St. Blomington

Afro Hoosier Int’l

Afro Hoosier Intl performs musical styles from Africa and the African Diaspora, including Afropop, Afrobeat, Reggae, Funk, and more. African pop music, what one hears in bars and dance clubs in Lagos, Nairobi, Lusaka, Johannesburg, etc.

Wednesday, January 14 , 6:00 PM

Price: $5


The Player’s Pub
424 South Walnut Street
Bloomington, IN

Cost: $5

For more information contact:

The Players Pub
[email protected]

Live Music

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