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22 Sunday / February 22, 2015

All Music Sunday

10:00 am
Unity of Bloomington - 4001 S. Rogers St.

All are invited to enjoy the spiritual experience of music! Unity of Bloomington will host an All Music Sunday during the regular morning service on the last Sunday in February. Special performers will include Ginger Curry, Rebeka Lee, Richard Torstrick, Melanie Robey, and Bobby Ehul and Carmela Senior-Ehul. Also debuting will be the newly-formed Unity Choir. Join us with your voice and bring your enthusiasm for music. For more information call (812) 333-2484, email [email protected], visit the website at www.unityofbloomington.org, or find us on Facebook.

For more information contact:

Danielle Bachant-Bell
[email protected]

Live Music

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