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21 Saturday / February 21, 2015

Barbed Wire

03:00 pm to 04:15 pm
IU Cinema 1213 East 7th Street, Bloomington, IN 47406

Considered one of the best anti-War dramas ever made, Barbed Wire introduces the Moreau family, whose pastoral lives on their French farm is turned upside down by the war. Mona (Pola Negri) and her father continue to work the farm after a P.O.W. camp is built on the property, while her brother Andre joins the army. Mona resents the war and Germans, until she meets Oskar, a handsome prisoner who begins working on the farm and earns her trust. The end of the war does not make their forbidden relationship much easier. (16mm presentation) Print provided courtesy of the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive.

Live piano accompaniment provided by Dr. Philip Carli.

Cost: Free, but ticketed

For more information contact:

IU Cinema
[email protected]


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