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22 Friday / January 22, 2016

Being Mortal Showing

7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Bell Trace Senior Living

Please join us at Bell Trace for a free showing of the groundbreaking PBS Documentary, Being Mortal. The film features stories that show us the value of shared decision-making in medicine at the end of life and illustrate the importance of thinking and planning ahead as we reflect on what matters most to us.

Being Mortal explores the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness and their relationships with the doctors who care for them. The film tells the story of a physician, Atul Gawande, who is learning to think about death and dying in the context of being a healer. By sharing stories from the perspective of the people and families he encounters, including his own, it sheds new light on how our system – so focused on a cure – often neglects the important conversations that need to happen so that a person’s true priorities can be known and honored at the end.

After the documentary is shown, we will break out into discussion groups of people ages 25 and under, 25-50, 51-75, and over 75. We want you to share your thoughts and feelings on the subject matter presented through guided discussions, the results of which will be used to aid in further academic study of this important topic.

Please join us for this special viewing of the PBS documentary followed by an intergenerational conversation. The event is FREE and open to the general public, however reservations are required. To make a reservation, please contact Bell Trace Senior Living Community at 812-332-2355.

Cost: FREE

For more information contact:

Kris Adams

Education / Health

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