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19 Tuesday / September 19, 2017

Bloomington Songwriter Showcase 2017

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Bears Place - 1316 East 3rd St., Bloomington IN 47401

Without Steev Wisher, there would not be a Bloomington Songwriter Showcase 2017. Wisher helps promote, book and does the lion’s share of hosting the program each Tuesday evening – not to mention taking photos after the program for the feature writers. Steev is a great singer-songwriter in his own right – having won a spot on all four Blooming-Tunes compilation CDs. With roots in 80’s rock, when big hair and bell bottoms were all the rage, Wisher’s music has taken a turn to the instrumental, alternative adult sound with lyrics often laced with humor. When not writing songs, Wisher heads up The Double E Band, a popular rock band based right here in Bloomington. Also on this evening’s program is Rick LeDune, a man who has a velvety voice and some gorgeous songs to his credit. The third writer on this evening’s program is a young man who has developed a large following here in Bloomington. Coming from the Indianapolis area, Steve Boller’s music is high energy, very rhythmic, and has a young edge to it. Boller has become a regular on the Showcase, and for good reason! Come on out this Tuesday evening and enjoy what promises to be an exceptional evening of song and fun for all.

Cost: FREE!

For more information contact:

Stella Weakley
(812) 369-8141

Live Music

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